Middle School

The High School division actually includes both the middle school and high school grades (7-12), and therefore includes all of our teen and late pre-teen students.

Extra-Curricular Activities

At EUCON International School, we provide many educational experiences for students which take place either out of the classroom or out of the ordinary class schedule of the day. What each class does throughout the year will depend on the age level and the interests of the student.

Field Trips

From time to time, there will be field trips to various points of interest on the island and even neighboring islands. Parents will be notified in advance and written permission obtained. Participation in field trips is mandatory, and not an option. All students will wear school uniform on such field trips unless otherwise announced. Parents may be asked to be chaperones from time to time. Chaperones should consult with the school handbook and office about proper dress standards on such field trips. Students are required to maintain the same level of discipline away from the school as is required at school. A nominal fee may be charged for each field trip to cover meals, transportation, and costs.

Field Days & Picnics

From time to time, a class will have a picnic or field day either on school grounds or some designated place on the island. These days will be announced along with what proper attire should be worn. Parents are encouraged to participate with their child’s class during these times.

Class Parties

During the holiday seasons such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine, Easter, etc., classes will each be having their own individual parties and programs. Parents will be notified of these parties and programs and are encouraged to come.

Local & National Academic Competitions

EUCON International School is vitally interested in the progress of each student. The progress is to be steady and positive. One way in which students are helped in both their academic and social progress is through academic contests, competitions, and fairs. EUCON will involve as many students as possible in as many events as are open to us. The results of such competitions speak volumes of the job (or lack thereof) we are doing.
